So, as like never before this post will be written in English. Either grammatically correct or not, it's none of anybody business, even me. Starting from the beginning, this blog tried to stay on it's own ground, easily shaken and just like shooting the arrow to the sun, it never reach.
And this time it will try to make new outcome and better way of explanations regarding each and every point tried to read here.
Starting from this day, things will be so different. There's new world ahead and beyond. Believe it or not we're facing new era of explaining ourselves. We got new nationality which virtually in front of us. Internet nationality should be implemented so that the Matrix trilogy will come alive. The structure for a Internet country been there for quite a long time. We have Internet currency, banking, engineering and all other things. The last thing any real human only need just a toilet with pantry attached.
So, for the next post, I will try to bring out as much as I can dig out the truth about the Internet nationality. Sometime we really seems to behave like wireless device.
p/s: eden pun tak berapo paham apo yang eden nak cerito nih